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Events outside HKNS - 16th Asian Australasian Congress of Neurological Surgeons 2022/9/6-8

Asia, Europe, the Americas (AASNS, ACN, EANS, AANS) and the rest of the globe, are joining forces for a large international physical Congress including all sub specialties of clinical neurosurgery, innovation and a very rich extracurricular program. There will be special sessions on innovation and startups in the clinical neurosciences.

On Monday, 5 September, the day immediately prior to the Congress there will be a large selection of pre Congress courses and updates on a variety for topics.

Please note the following dates:

· Abstract submission is open till Sunday, May 2nd

· Registration will open April 10. Early bird till June 6th

Plan your trip to allow tours in Jerusalem during September, being the best time of the year to tour in Israel.

The Congress venue (Dan Jerusalem) is just the optimal location to understand the complexity and beauty of this city

Please do not hesitate to follow announcements on

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