Date: 21-22nd June 2024
Venue: The Garden Hotel of Zhanjiang
Call for Abstract:Members are encourage to submit abstract on different neurosurgical topics.
Language: English (400-800 words) (Including: Title, List of Authors, Contacts, Objectives, Method, Result and Discussion)
Deadline: 1st May 2024
Please submit the Abstracts to Ms Shirley Ma through email:
Travelling scholarship:
Society is going to sponsor FOURTEEN members to go to the meeting, amounting to a maximum of HKD4,000 to cover the registration fee, economy round-trip train and accommodation.
The application should be made to the Secretary on or before 7 May 2024. The application form and Guidelines for Training Sponsorship are available at .
Please also be reminded that if you are awarded sponsorship for any meeting, a reimbursement request has to be submitted within SIX MONTHS from the date of meeting but not later.
